Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Based on the title alone, "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wallpaper," my breakdown of the story determine that, because we do not have a degree or lack the education that any specialist may have the advantage of, we as human beings could better diagnose ourselves than hearing it from an over educated specialist. I say this because, I myself have been diagnosed with an over active thyroid and was prescribed all these medications which I had refused to take, two or so months later when I went back to see the physician, he had run all the blood work all over again and when the test results finally came back, my Thyroid was back to normal. When the physican originally diagnosed me with hyper tension and offered me medication, I did not refuse it because I was being rebellious I wanted to try an alternative and my life style habits, such as exercising, the way I eat and so forth so I would not have my body become dependent on a medication. This is how I felt and I felt that taking a medication would not be the best thing for me so I tried and succeeded as Charlotte Perkins Gilman did. Instead of laying in bed and going crazy, she continued to live a normal working life.

1 comment:

  1. I don't trust Doctors a 100% either. They always want to prescribe you with some type of medication. I believe it is because you go to them with a problem, and they must feel pressured to prescribe you with something that will heal your ailments or "fix" you. When most of the time the problem has to do with your lifestyle and overall health. I also think they get paid to prescribe you certain types of medications by the pharmaceutical companies... but you know. I loved the story The Yellow Wallpaper, and I'm glad you got better on your own. I also agree with your breakdown of the story. She felt like if she'd of continued to follow the physicians advice and remain isolated and unproductive, she would of gone mad.
