Friday, March 4, 2011


I have been working really hard to use the rigth words so my paper is from a feminist point of view without saying from a feminist point of view just yet, this is what I have so far:

Faith Lucero                                                                                                                                                                                         
Professor: Stacey Knapp
English 1B
7 March 2011

The Flower

The female characters in the novel, The Flower by Dagoberto Gilb, Silvia, Cindy and Nicca, are portrayed as the traditional stay at home women. One or all of these women carries a duty to keep themselves up for their husband, take care of the child, keep the home clean, cook dinner and all the other ideal chauvinist jobs that one might think they should do.  Although through Sonny’s eye’s, he shows us the oppressive life style these women face and how their root heritage have played huge burden in their lives.
Silvia, the mother of Sonny, was described as this beautiful women who always dressed so proper, her clothes were always new she smelled of perfume, wore sparkling jewelry, her nails were always painted and her high heels matched all her new dresses. Sonny described Sylvia as a sex object, “How pretty she was in a way men are flipping through pages of dirty magazines” (Gilb10). Silvia didn’t pay much attention to Sonny, he explained a time in the novel when she kissed him, “She kissed me right on the lips. I couldn’t remember the last time she kissed me anywhere, unless it was for show when she’d also be drinking” (Gilb18). Silvia used her beauty, found a man who would take care of her and her son, Cloyde Longpre, who provided a home, a car and money for them. Silvia did not have to work but found herself miserable. She did not like to cook, did not like to clean, before she married and moved in with Cloyde she had a lady to come and clean her home. Silvia’s life became oppressive because of her dependence on Cloyde,
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a man she did not love! Silvia seemed to know, no other way to get through life but to use her beauty, it was though she didn’t even know how to love her own children because she was so focused on maintaining herself so she could get through life.
Then there was Cindy, poor little Cindy, a nineteen year old girl who was married to a man who paid no attention to her at all. Cindy flaunted around described as, “Her skin made curves, from a lot below her belly button way up, and it was hard not to pay attention to there because it came so close to those places you weren’t supposed to stare at but couldn’t  not at the same time. If the clothes seemed to small, also everything fit her good” (Gilb28). Cindy didn’t have any friends and was left at home with no money, no car and nowhere to go in life. Her husband Tino would work all day and whenever he came home, he expected sex and would then take off and hang out with his buddies. When she met Sonny and the fact that Sonny would acknowledge her, she used her only weapon which was her body and sex. Cindy would seduce Sonny and would vent to him about how miserable she was and how much she hated her husband. She did seem like a depressed young girl who would do anything for affection and to suppress her feelings of loneliness, boredom and feeling unloved, she would smoke weed and drink alcohol. In Cindy’s defense, maybe she knew no other way in her little world, due to her upbringing in life and was raised to grow up and find a man who is supposed to take care of her and in return her job was to put up with any situation that the man put in her way, even a situation of being dependent on a man. Whatever her situation may have been she did not think or feel very good about herself, because she stayed in a marriage where she would continue to feel alone and unloved.
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Nica, was around the same age as Cindy. Cindy was actually the opposite of Cindy. She was best described by Sonny as. “She was a little girl in a white chiffon dress and black shoes and a pink ribbon. But you do not tell!” She was a little girl” (Gilb164). Nica was pulled out of school by her parents so she could stay home and take care of her baby brother Angelito. It seemed the only two things in life she was allowed to interact with were her younger brother and the T.V. Her parents would not let her out of the house, so when she met Sonny, she was glad to have a level of conversation with someone of her own age. Sonny introduced her to pizza and gave her the opportunity to express her feelings and thoughts of wanting to change her name to Carmen or Cathy and how she did not like being Mexican and want to travel to Spain. Nica suffered from a life style that she had no control over. It was her Mexican heritage and upbringing of her own parents that kept her at home to care for her brother and neglect her education. They sheltered her from the world almost as it was her duty to be their personal slave until her debt was paid off.
Silvia, Cindy and Nica all have one thing in common, they were all dependent on someone to care for them and provide for them, even if it meant they lived a miserable life.  From a feminist point of view, these women lived an oppressive life style. Until this very day, women still suffer from the staggering motto of, “The Man Wears the Pants,” “The Man has the Better Education,” which means, “The man makes more money,” leading the women to praise the man because he brings in all the income. Therefore, the women gets stuck feeling they should be taking care of the children, cooking and cleaning.


  1. thank you, you just changed my topic for my paper. (do Over) I am inspired to write from the opposite view of you. I like it better than what i was working on.

  2. It seems like you have a great start to your paper. I think it was a good choice to pick out and focus on certain female characters and really go into detail about them. At first I wasn't sure about this point of view, it seemed more difficult, so kudos for taking it on!

  3. I agree that you have an excellent rough draft here. You pull very convincing evidence from the text in support of your ideas, you stay tightly focused on your topic, and you provide the reader with a convincing argument. Well done! I also think it is interesting how, in your introduction, you point out that it is through Sonny's point of view, or "Sonny's eyes" that we see these oppressive lifestyles. I hadn't really thought of it this way before, and now I am more acutely aware that Sonny is taking all of this in and telling the story in such a way that he is showing 'us' this oppression. This is yet another layer of complexity to this novel that I hadn't thought about before. Thank you!
    I really think that all you need to do now is go back through and refine and clarify your ideas. You also need to make sure you have one topic per TEA. There are couple that could be divided and developed. For example, you write "Cindy would seduce Sonny and would vent to him about how miserable she was and how much she hated her husband." This should be a new TEA. The one before describes and introduces Cindy and this TEA talks about the seduction.
    One more thing:
    "Cindy would seduce Sonny and would vent to him about how miserable she was and how much she hated her husband."
    Make your writing more active and concise by thinking about using active verbs, active voice and the transitions we went over in class (you were absent, but they are posted on the other students' blogs). Also, hone in on your word choice to make your writing more vivid.
    For example,
    When Cindy seduces Sonny, she whines about her miseries. She says he is [INSERT QUOTE} and [insert quote} and complains about her loneliness.
    (or something like that)
    Keep revising, Faith. You have a great start.
